Bundgaard, Dan Turèll - Book cover No. 10

Bundgaard, Dan Turèll - Book cover No. 10

Price from € 7.00


Format: A2.


Lovely poster by Peder Bundgaard.

a5 (15x21 cm)
A3 (29,7x42 cm)
A2 (42 x 59,4 cm.)
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  • We mount poster and frame

At Permild & Rosengreen we do everything we can, to take care of the environment.
This poster is produced with 230 grams matt FSC-certified paper, that assures responsibly managed forests. It assures that there will be cut down no more trees than the forest can reproduce. FSC is also a safety of protection for the life of animals and plants in the nature, and proper working conditions for the workers of the forest.

Incredibly fine poster by the Danish artist and writer, Peder Bundgaard.

The poster here was originally made as a book cover.

A black and white theme and simple brushstrokes characterizes the expression of the poster.

That makes the poster at the same time simple and calm to look at an enjoy.

Do you lack the perfect host gift? Or do you need some new art for your white walls?

Then this poster is not one you want to miss out on! You even have the opportunity to buy it with a frame.


Frame is available in several colours and varieties. These colours and varieties are black wood, natural oak, dark oak and magnetic oak frame.