The satirical universe of Robert Storm Petersen (1882-1949) is known especially from his series of drawings and text in newspapers such as Ekstra Bladet and the daily newspaper B.T., but he also drew many posters throughout his career. The posters were created for specific purposes, and had to advertise very different things. While being graphic works, the posters function as a piece of Danish history. The poster for the National Association for the Fight against Unemployment is a good example of this. Here is the clear message in both word and image that all Danes can help fight the growing unemployment that the occupation of Denmark was responsible for in 1940. The poster was printed in 10,000 copies, which were adhered to house walls and planks and distributed. for companies.
Source: Peter Michael Hornung and Storm P. Museum, Poster Full, 2012 pp. 4 and 87