- kunstner, Kristus kræmmerne af templet
- København - Vicky Gry
- Købke, A part of Østerbro in the morning light
- Købke, Self portrait
- Købke, The garden stairs at the artist's atelier at Blegdammen.
- Købke, Udsigt fra Dosseringen ved Sortedamssøen mod Nørrebro
- Købke, View from a window at Toldbodvej to Kastelle
- Kørner, Grand Teatret
- Kørner, Trafic - exhibition poster
- L - Letter doodle
- L. A. Ring. Lunch table
- La Dolche Vita
- La famille Heirloom. Helene Schjerfbeck
- La Mousmé
- La Vendemmia
- Lace. Brown and light blue
- Lace. Dark brown and sand
- Lace. Pink and Red
- Lace. Purple and brown
- Lace. Purple and sand
- Lace. Rose and sand
- Lace. Sand and Blue
- Lace. Yellow and Purple
- Ladder for Thorvaldsen. Fink
- Lady catching boy. Photo art. Poster
- Lady in green
- Lancret, Playing kids in the free
- Langebro. DroneRune
- Lapwing on the meadow, Aage Sikker Hansen
- Lars Ravn poster
- Lastman, The angel Rafael says goodbye
- Late Summer
- Le Goût est dans la graisse - Letz Shop
- Le graphisme, illusion d'optique graphique (purple)
- Le graphisme, illusion d'optique graphique (rose)
- Lee Konitz
- Legacy – Maria Rubinke
- Legetøj, Storm P
- Lego house - posterHaus
- Lego | We are all equal
- Leif Sylvester. A strange party
- Leif Sylvester. Abundance
- Leif Sylvester. Arranged marriage
- Leif Sylvester. Floating boy
- Leif Sylvester. Friendly pirate fish
- Leif Sylvester. GMSL4
- Leif Sylvester. Hotdog man
- Leif Sylvester. King Carrot
- Leif Sylvester. Minority sympathizer
- Leif Sylvester. Modern Gallery
- Leif Sylvester. Modern Gallery No. 1
- Leif Sylvester. Modern Gallery No. 2
- Leif Sylvester. Modern Gallery No. 3
- Leif Sylvester. Modern Gallery No. 4
- Leif Sylvester. Necessary conversation
- Leif Sylvester. New girlfriends
- Lemon watercolor
- Lemons on branches
- Lemons watercolor
- Lente - Theo Van Hoytema
- Lente - Theo Van Hoytema. Rusty rose
- Les Baigneuses 1918
- Lhirondelle (green)
- Lhirondelle blue
- Lhirondelle dark blue
- Life in pink blossoms.
- Life in pink. Blå.
- Life in pink. Pink.
- Life is fragile. Rattenborg
- Lila wood frame
- Lilac Coat
- Lille Matisse: "Katia with the yellow shirt
- Lille Picasso poet. Black/white
- Linear harmonies, Michael Chang
- LINES 03
- Lino on paper
- Lino on paper, blue. Print edition.
- Lino on paper, copper. Print edition.
- Linoléum, les lignes d'abstraction
- Lion. Martin Schwartz
- Lippert, Adamas Cigarettes
- Lippert, Adamas Cigarettes - Walking stick
- Lippert, Adamas Cigarettes - Walking stick 2
- Lippi, The reunion of Joakim and Anna
- Little swallows. Hokusai
- Lobster. 1917
- Lola, Storm P
- Lorck, Ten women from Stralsund
- Lorenzetti, Johannes the baptist
- Lotta from Bråkmakergade. Bråkmakergade
- Lotta from Bråkmakergade. On the swing
- Lotta from Bråkmakergade. Waiting
- Louisiana Channel
- Louisiana Illumination
- Louisiana poster – Dea Trier Mørch
- Louisiana Warhol After Munch. Purple
- Louisiana Warhol After Munch. Red
- Louisiana Warhol After Munch. Yellow
- Louisiana. Africa
- Louisiana. David Hockney 1976